Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Seasons Change ~ Subjects Change

I was going through some of my recent uploads to find photos I'd like to highlight for a blog post. It dawned on me that I really like taking pictures of moss. Tiny green forests with their own creatures, that grow in places they shouldn't really be growing. On the sides of trees. On rocks. On the roofs of buildings. Made me think I'm going to miss it while it is gone over the winter. It is a fun photography topic.

It takes a keen eye and a little imagination to find a moss formation to be interesting. But add another subject as fleeting as moss, say something like cobwebs or even light, and it becomes even more its own miniature environment at the whim of the elements. Is something hiding in the dark recesses of the stone?

The contrast of granite's solidity adds yet another angle. By now, the moss has died, its green faded. The cobwebs have frozen and dissolved. This stone wall is still there, will still be there in the future.

The snow will pile up, ice will form, and the wind will bluster. And there will be new interesting ice-bound formations to photograph and share. The white is a stark contrast to the colors and green of summer and warm hues of autumn. But I'm up for the challenge that a snow-covered world poses an aspiring photographer.

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